Required documents for your application
First time application:
- RDB Certificate
- RDB Registration full information
- Network and services description
- Please describe the technologies to be used
- Utilized frequencies
- Utilized numbering resources
- Equipment technical specifications
- Competence and experience informationi
- Prior Experience and Capabilities
- Proposed Network Architecture and Features
- Proposed Coverage and Rollout Plan
- Quality of service Strategy
- Investments and financing Plan
- Business plan and profitability
- Financial Standing
- Five years’ business plan
- Investment and roll out plan
- Investment and roll out plan
- Financial Projections
- Project Financing
- Market & economic information details
- Projected market growth plan
- Social programs details
- Operator Control and Commitment
- RDB Certificate
- RDB Registration full information
- Network and services description
- Please describe the technologies to be used
- Utilized frequencies
- Utilized numbering resources
- Equipment technical specifications
- Competence and experience informationi
- Prior Experience and Capabilities
- Proposed Network Architecture and Features
- Proposed Coverage and Rollout Plan
- Quality of service Strategy
- Investments and financing Plan
- Business plan and profitability
- Financial Standing
- Five years’ business plan
- Investment and roll out plan
- Investment and roll out plan
- Financial Projections
- Project Financing
- Market & economic information details
- Projected market growth plan
- Social programs details
- Operator Control and Commitment