Required documents for your application
First time application:
- Company profile and business plan;
- Registration certificate indicating intended services (RDB/RGB)
- A Copy of National identity card or passport of contact person
- Uplink detail(s) from the Rwandan territory
- Applicant’s financial and technical capacity to carry out subscription satellite broadcasting services;
- A list of channels contained in the proposed bouquet;
- Agreement template between the licensee and the subscriber;
- The agreement with the originator of the content (where applicable);
- Company profile and business plan;
- Registration certificate indicating intended services (RDB/RGB)
- A Copy of National identity card or passport of contact person
- Uplink detail(s) from the Rwandan territory
- Applicant’s financial and technical capacity to carry out subscription satellite broadcasting services;
- A list of channels contained in the proposed bouquet;
- Agreement template between the licensee and the subscriber;
- The agreement with the originator of the content (where applicable);